What are my rights?
Learn about your right to be involved in all decisions about your assessment, treatment and recovery if you are receiving compulsory mental health treatment.

How we help
Find out how to get help if you have received a compulsory mental treatment order. Information is also available for family, carers and service providers.

About us
We support people who are at risk of, or are currently receiving, compulsory mental health treatment with free and confidential information and advocacy.
Contact us
Call 1300 947 820 to speak to an advocate about your rights and for support to speak up about your assessment, treatment and recovery.
We have First Nation advocates. Let us know if you would like to speak to a First Nation advocate.
By law, we will contact you at key points if you are experiencing compulsory treatment. Learn how to tell us not to contact you.
Call 1800 959 353 to hear a free recording of your rights under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022. This phone line is available 24 hours a day.
For a written copy of this information, please see our Know Your Rights fact sheet:
Find out how to contact us if you have hearing or speech difficulties or for help in your language.
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We strive to offer safe and inclusive services
