- Published:
- Thursday 24 May 2018 at 2:59 pm
Our second year
Building on the success of our first year, IMHA has continued to provide services to consumers across Victoria, including advocacy, coaching for self-advocacy, information and referral. We continue to deliver services in the community, on the phone and for inpatient units. We have also co-produced consumer information with an external consumer consultant and our consumer advisory group Speaking From Experience (SFE). This information has included advance statement and nominated persons guides and templates.
Our staff across the state are involved in a range of systemic advocacy activities including:
- raising awareness about practices and trends
- delivering supported decision-making training to assist the capacity building activities of the mental health system
- participation in committees and advisory groups
- contributing to Victoria Legal Aid policy and law reform submissions
- research.
In January 2017 IMHA introduced a consumer survey provided to all consumers we work with and accessible on the website, measuring consumer satisfaction and impact. 41 consumer surveys were returned to IMHA from January to December 2017.
Most consumers reported that:
- their IMHA advocate had listened to them, treated them with respect and supported them to communicate their views and preferences
- their IMHA advocate effectively communicated with the treating team about their views and preferences, provided helpful information and linked them with helpful services
- they had a greater understanding of their rights and were more confident expressing their views and preferences to their treating team
- they had a better understanding of the mental health system and felt more involved in decisions regarding their treatment and recovery.
Download our second-year report
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More information
Read about Our first year.